Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

...................just thought I would add some of my recent caricatures aswell,

Okay, it has been awhile since my last post. Sadly I did not accomplish much. But I do have at least one sketch to add, in the hopes that I can get back on a daily schedule of posts.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

just finfished this one a moment ago.i kinda like it....so heres the progression of this particular sketch.

Okay, this post is not really my best work, it has some issues to be sure, but i did like the overall concept, i 'll most likely try it on a larger scale, and clean it up a bit.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

So this is my latest....not too satisfied, but its a process, we learn and grow from our mistakes right? BTW sorry for the poor image qualities i dont have a scanner......yet.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Look Who's Blogging Now!...yeah...that's totally original (w/ sarcastic tone)

So i finally did it, I gave in to the trend of blogging, in order to track the progress of my comic book penciling studies. So what am i waiting for, lets get blogging shall we?

First up are some rendering and anatomy studies that i have started recently....